School Activities


This is a club for students in grades 1 and 2 who likes to make art. Club members will work with others and independently.

Meets on: Wednesdays

Meeting Time: 14:15-15:15

The basketball club is for students in grades 3-5. Students will learn to practice dribbling, passing, shooting, and playing in a game.

Meets on: Wednesdays

Meeting Time: 14:10-15:10

Open to students as an opportunity to work on assignments and receive academic support afterschool. and open space.

Meets on: Wednesdays

Meeting Time: 14:10-15:10

The math club aims to make math enjoyable and engaging for students.

Meets on: Thursdays

Meeting Time: 14:10-15:10

Mindfulness club is about skill building! Mindfulness means paying full attention to what is happening in the present moment and not be overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around us.

Meets on: Mondays

Meeting Time: 14:10-15:10

The LEGO Robotics Club is a club where 4th and 5th grade students will learn to design, build, and program robots using LEGO’s most advanced robotics technology. Students will work in small groups to complete projects. Through the design process, students will develop engineering and coding skills in building their robots.

Meets on: Thursdays

Meeting Time: 14:10-15:10

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