Upcoming events

Default graphics for the event content type.

Read Across America

Read Across America

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Default graphics for the event content type.

End of 3rd Quarter

End of 3rd Quarter

Default graphics for the event content type.

No school for students. Teacher Workday.

No school for students. Teacher Workday.

Default graphics for the event content type.

Spring Break

Spring Break

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Default graphics for the event content type.

Quarter 4 begins

Quarter 4 begins 

Default graphics for the event content type.

National School Librarian Day

National School Librarian Day

Default graphics for the event content type.

Quarter 3 Student recognition

Quarter 3 Student recognition 

Default graphics for the event content type.

CCRSS no school for students. Teacher Workday.

CCRSS no school for students. Teacher Workday.

Default graphics for the event content type.

National Administrative Professionals Day

National Administrative Professionals Day

Default graphics for the event content type.



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Default graphics for the event content type.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

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Default graphics for the event content type.

Accelerated Withdrawal Semester 2

Accelerated Withdrawal Semester 2

Default graphics for the event content type.

Recess Day. No school.

Recess Day. No school.

Default graphics for the event content type.

Memorial Day. No school.

Memorial Day. No school.

Default graphics for the event content type.

Field Day

Field Day

Default graphics for the event content type.

Kindergarten Moving up ceremony

Kindergarten Moving up ceremony

Default graphics for the event content type.

5th grade Moving up Ceremony

5th grade Moving up Ceremony

Default graphics for the event content type.

PSCD last day

PSCD last day

Default graphics for the event content type.

10:30 Dismissal. Last 1/2 day of school PK-5

10:30 Dismissal. Last 1/2 day of school PK-5

Default graphics for the event content type.

Teacher Workday

Teacher Workday

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